Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Mushroom Fry - A Vegetarian's Delight

I wanted to try something new with Mushroom for Dinner and as I was browsing I came across a recipe for Mushroom Fry. Not all recipes will kindle our taste buds but this one was a sure winner.It can be had with Chappathi or rice. It was so yummy!!!

Mushrooms are a good replacement for Vegetarians as it can be cooked in the same way as meat and the flavour and texture of the mushroom enhances the dish. Mushroom also has a lot of trace minerals and vitamins needed for our body.

 • Mushroom
 • Oil
 • Whole Garam Masala - Cardamoms, Cloves, Cinnamon, Bay Leaf
 • Cumin Seeds
 • 1 Cup Chopped Onion
 • 1 Cup Chopped Tomatoes
 • Salt
 • Curry Leaves 
 • Chopped Green chillies
 • 1 tbs Ginger Garlic Paste
 • Turmeric - a pinch
 • Garlic- 3-4 medium cloves
 • Whole Pepper
 • 1 tbs Cumin Powder
 • 1 tbs Coriander Powder
 • 1 tsp Chilli Powder
 • Butter
 • Coriander Leaves and Lemon juice for Garnishing 


 •To Oil a vessel add the Whole Garam Masala and Cumin seeds.When the cumin seeds start to crackle add the chopped Onion, Chilly and Curry Leaves.Add a little salt and turmeric to it and fry till it becomes translucent.
 •Add Ginger garlic Paste and fry till the raw smell is lost. 
 •Add tomatoes and cook till they are mashed. Now add Mushroom and little water, cover and cook in low flame. Mushroom gets cooked fast.
 •Crush the garlic cloves, cumin seeds and whole pepper. In a separate pan add butter. Once it starts to melt add the crushed garlic, cumin and pepper.When the aroma starts to come add the Coriander Powder, Cumin Powder and Chilli Powder and fry.To this add the Mushroom Mixture and cook till the moisture evaporates.
 •Garnish with Chopped Coriander Leaves and lemon juice.

If Whole Garam Masala is not liked a pinch of Garam Masala Powder towards the end.
The Masalas when being fried should not get burnt as it will.

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